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Before and after October 30, 2008

Posted by Jesse in : Being,Game Development , add a comment

My wife has given me the final level of Being.  The game is now very close to 100% completion.  While she always plays down just how much work she’s done to help make the game a success, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share with you some before and after images of the final level.

It took me a long time to piece these images together, but if you notice any oddities, it’s probably because I was rushing to get them stitched together.  I think you’ll agree that it’s a pretty amazing difference.

Please note: These screens are taken from the level editor, and there are some game play objects missing that are added by scripts while the game is running. (Switches, platforms, the final enemy, etc.) So if it’s looks like there are things missing, that’s why.

Before and after – click for bigger versions (WARNING! Very large images.)


Platformers October 21, 2008

Posted by Jesse in : Uncategorized , add a comment

I haven’t been doing much real game development work lately. I wrote a prototype for a puzzle game, but it was a failure, but there are some great puzzle games out there, such as the loose slueth escape room, which is a great puzzle game for anyone who love these games. While I might revisit it someday, it’s certainly not my next game. Instead, I’ve started work on my next platformer. I don’t need to prototype that, because Being was the prototype.

But instead of working, I’ve been playing other platformers.

All of these games are free to download and play, and I highly recommend them.

Line Segment Intersection October 7, 2008

Posted by Jesse in : Game Development , comments closed

Update: I’ve written a new article that handles this a bit differently.

Earlier today, somebody in #xna asked how to find the intersection of two line segments.  This is something that comes up pretty regularly, so I happened to have the answer handy.


Seeing stars October 1, 2008

Posted by Jesse in : Being,Game Development , add a comment

One of the complaints I received about the version of Being I submitted for Dream Build Play was that there wasn’t much point to the game. And that’s absolutely true. You just jump around, make your way through the levels and eventually end up back where you started. I’m working hard on changing that.

At the end of each world, you’ll rescue one of your friends who has been kidnapped by the evil Zargon and find one of the magical stars. Once you’ve collected all three stars, you’ll get access to another doorway and have to face Zargon himself.

This gave me another chance to play around with my little star particles I liked so much. Here’s a screen of what it looks like when you’ve found them all.

(Click for larger version.)