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My new tutorial is absolutely fine. August 16, 2010

Posted by Jesse in : Game Development , add a comment

I wrote a tutorial for the Sgt. Conker Absolutely Fine Tutorial Contest.

It’s about how you can record and playback player inputs to generate game replays. Check it out, and let me know what you think.

Player animation changes August 13, 2010

Posted by Jesse in : Hero In Training , add a comment

After posting the last video, I also sent the link out on twitter. Within seconds, I had a great deal of excellent feedback from other indie developers. Some of it was stuff that would never have occurred to me.

For example, the player’s walk animation has been the same for months. I was happy with it, and had moved on to other things. As soon as I linked the video, many developers reported that they didn’t care for the animation, and pointed out ways I could make it better.

We took the suggestions to heart, and made a bunch of changes. He’s now taller, and has smaller shoes, which doesn’t force him to shuffle so much. Also his shoes now bend when they should, so it looks more natural.

I think the results are a pretty drastic improvement, and I’m really happy with the changes. Have a look, and let me know what you think.

It looks like youtube has fixed the slowdown bug, and they’re reprocessing the videos. So if you see anything funny on my older embedded videos, please try back in a little bit.

Moving slowly forward August 6, 2010

Posted by Jesse in : Hero In Training , add a comment

We started work on a new test level. When it’s finished, I’ll be uploading to playtest on the Xbox Live Indie Games, so that we can get lots of feedback. I’ve got a new video showing off some of that level.

We’re having some technical difficulties with the videos we posted on Youtube. The video is running at half speed with distorted audio. Youtube says they have engineers working on the problem. So for the time being, I’ll post my update videos on Vimeo, instead. (I don’t have a paid Vimeo account, so I can’t embed high def, but you can see the high def version over on Vimeo.)

Hero In Training – Progress Update August 5, 2010 from Jesse Chounard on Vimeo.