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Update work March 23, 2013

Posted by Jesse in : Happy Piggy , add a comment

Happy Piggy! has been out for nearly three weeks now, and kids seem to genuinely enjoy it.

Based on the feedback we’ve received, we’re working on an update for the game. Here’s the current task list:

If you have any feedback, or changes you’d like to see, we’d love to hear from you.

Also, we have a facebook page now! Have a look: www.facebook.com/ThirdPartyNinjas

Spine March 7, 2013

Posted by Jesse in : Game Development , add a comment

Longtime readers of the blog will know that I’m a big fan of skeletal animation. I wrote Demina because I couldn’t find an existing software package that would let me create animations and export them to a format that would let me get them easily into my games. Better software has finally arrived, and Demina is officially retired. Happy Piggy! will be the last game we ever use it for.

That’s because now Spine is available. It’s almost embarrassing for me to compare Demina and Spine, because they support every single feature I had, and quite a few I hadn’t even considered that I’m already really fond of. Even better, the guys at Esoteric Software have already started releasing code to help people load and render animations in their games.

It took me a couple of days, but I’ve got animations up and running on iOS devices, and I don’t have to keep jumping back to a Windows machine to edit them. (Because Demina only ran on Windows.) I’ve even got transitions working, have a look:

It’s alive! March 3, 2013

Posted by Jesse in : Happy Piggy , add a comment

Happy Piggy! is live on the iOS App Store.

We created it for our daughter, and she really seems to like it. Hopefully other kids enjoy it too.