Perseus testing on Android September 12, 2014
Posted by Jesse in : Android,Perseus , trackbackWe’ve ported Final Flight of the Perseus to Android. Unfortunately, we have pretty limited access to Android hardware to test on, so I’m looking for some help.
If you have an Android phone or tablet and are interested in beta testing:
Option 1:
- Join the Google+ testing community
- Download the game from the Google Play store by visiting here on your device.
- (Optional) Let me know the email address you’ll use to log into Google Play Services (for leaderboards.) I have to add each player manually. If you don’t care about being in the beta leaderboard, you can skip this step.
- Let me know if/how it ran on your device.
Option 2 (advanced users):
- Grab the apk from here. If that link fails, there’s a mirror here.
- (Optional) Let me know the email address you’ll use to log into Google Play Services (for leaderboards.) I have to add each player manually. If you don’t care about being in the beta leaderboard, you can skip this step.
- Let me know if/how it ran on your device.
You can also view the current testing results.
Comments here, or over in the G+ community are welcome. You can also contact me directly using the website contact form, or by emailing me at
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